Dr. Arne Schuldt
CEO and Researcher

Decentralisation and Interaction Efficiency in
Cooperating Autonomous Logistics Processes

A. Schuldt

Centre for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI)
University of Bremen, Am Fallturm 1, D-28359 Bremen


The efficiency of conventional centralised control in logistics is limited due to the complexity, the dynamics, and the distribution of logistics processes. The paradigm of autonomous logistics aims at overcoming these limitations by delegating decision-making to local logistics entities such as packages or containers. Represented by software agents, these entities must cooperate with each other to succeed in their logistics objectives. This paper introduces two interaction protocols for team formation of logistics entities. Which of them is adequate depends on the concrete application at hand. This decision is closely related with the limitations of autonomous logistics. One protocol aims at decreasing the communication effort, i.e., increasing the interaction efficiency. The other one aims at increasing the degree of decentralisation. This paper contributes a thorough investigation that supports system developers in choosing the right protocol for their demands.


Schuldt, A. (2009). Decentralisation and Interaction Efficiency in Cooperating Autonomous Logistics Processes. In Kreowski, H.-J., Scholz-Reiter, B., and Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): 2nd International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2009). Bremen, Germany, August 17-21, 2009. Springer-Verlag, pp. 269-278.


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